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Quynh Huong Pham


Sapo: “Buy less, Choose well, Make it last”, when sustainable fashion for the sake of the environment is becoming popular among the young community. 

Early in the second quarter of 2024, Empower Women Asia, in collaboration with Fashion Revolution Vietnam, launched the campaign “Buy less, Choose well, Make it last” in order to raise awareness of the community about the lifestyle in pursuit of sustainable fashion. 

On April 10, 2024, EWA and FRVN officially announced the viral challenge “3-3-3” on TikTok. Soon afterwards, on April 20, 2024, the workshop “Sửa chiếc áo, sang chiếc quần” (Mend your clothes) was held, revolving around sewing and embroidery. 

The concept of “sustainable fashion” appeared in the 2010s, yet lack of information has led to beliefs that this is a tasteless and far-fetched lifestyle. Therefore, the campaign was launched with the view to promoting the more appropriate definition of sustainable fashion among gen Z via a series of new and helpful activities. 

FRVN and EWA shared that the viral challenge 3-3-3 was created not only to help people understand more about the basics of one of the most popular fashion trends among the youth today but also to create a space for fashion fans to unleash their creativity. The challenge has simple and easily understood rules and requirements as participants only need to shoot videos or take photos of their 7 outfits which are mixed up from 3 shirts, 3 pants, and 3 pairs of shoes on TikTok with the hashtag of the competition. Therefore, the challenge quickly attracted the attention of viewers and young participants. 

“Participants creatively chose outfits for one week from 9 simple items”

“The challenge brought captivating rewards and collaboration with many brands” 

Following our challenge on social media, FRVNxEWA further approached the public via the workshop “Sửa chiếc áo, sang chiếc quần” (Mend your clothes). The workshop was held in Chula Fashion House in Tay Ho, Hanoi, an impressive and quaint sewing workshop where colors of the past and nonconventional modern patterns blend together. It hosted both artistic embroidery and manual sewing and remarking of old clothes. On top of that, the event was free of charge, allowing all people of all ages to enjoy this unique experience. 

Chula Fashion House- where modern and traditional cultures converge”

“Participants joined the activity of remaking old clothes”

The campaign “Buy less, Choose well, Make it last” marks the milestone on the journey to permeate pro-environment fashion into the lives of consumers in Vietnam, especially among those who are frequently exposed to social media (predominantly within the 15-35 age range). In addition, it signals the transition between Vietnamese’ age-old practice of saving and the creativity in modern fashion among the young generation, a combination hardly imagined. 

Empower Women Asia is a project initiated by Keep It Beautiful Vietnam. The project’s mission is to support ethnic minority women via events and innovative ideas related to sustainable fashion. Therefore, since the project was launched, this pro-environment lifestyle has always been one of its watchwords, present in every activity. 

EWA is proud to be trusted by FRVN for annual collaboration to execute campaigns which are meaningful for the fashion industry in Vietnam. With the mission of “Beautiful and Sustainable fashion”, Empower Women Asia and Fashion Revolution Vietnam will continue to grow on the journey to spread the mission that supports the community, the environment, fashion, and Vietnam. 

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